Heartbroken family renew appeal to find man missing for 10 years

The family of a Tyrone man missing for 10 years said they have been left "broken'' by his disappearance.

Gerard Conway
Published 26th Jan 2017

Gerard Conway, who has bipolar disorder, was last seen in February 2007 in the Cookstown area.

Despite a number of searches and reported sightings in the republic and England, he has not been found.

Gerard was 32 when he disappeared. His family said it has been a "very long 10 years'' without him.

"We have been left distressed, broken and devastated by the disappearance of our son, brother and father. We miss him dearly and not a day goes by that we do not think about him,'' they said.

Gerard was reported missing on February 13 2007. Police made initial checks in and around Cookstown and extended these to the Republic of Ireland and to England.

He was captured on CCTV at a bank in Cookstown a few weeks before his disappearance and there were sightings by people who knew him in late January and early February that year.

CCTV images of Gerard Conway

There were unconfirmed sightings in the Magherafelt, Toome and Ballymena areas. Widespread searches of the countryside around Cookstown, using dogs and aircraft, were unsuccessful.

Gerard's family said they fear "something untoward'' may have happened to him.

"We are unable to gain closure as we have no answers and too many questions as to what might have happened to Gerard. Until we find Gerard, or recover his remains, it is simply impossible for us to properly commence the grieving process,'' they said.

"We feel that somebody must know what happened to Gerard, and where he is. We urge whoever it is to please, please come forward with that vital information that may help the police with their investigations to help solve Gerard's disappearance,'' the family added.

Detective Chief Inspector Gareth Talbot, from the PSNI's Serious Crime Branch, said Gerard's disappearance continues to cause heartache and uncertainty for his family.

"The passage of time has not eased this pain. We hope this renewed appeal will help them discover just what has taken place.

"After 10 years we still have no definite leads as to what has become of Gerard and we continue to appeal for information.

"Gerard's disappearance has been heartbreaking for his family and friends. Their own substantial efforts to locate Gerard have been commendable and they deserve to know what has happened to him.''

Anyone with information, no matter how small, has been asked to contact police by calling 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.