Cool FM Schedule
- Fri15
- Sat16
- Sun17
- Mon18
- Tue19
- Wed20
- Thu21
- Fri22
- Sat23
- Sun24
- Mon25
- Tue26
- Wed27
Melissa Riddell
Melissa playing all the hits, plus the iconic Cool Goes Quiet after 11pm - get involved now on Snapchat 'officialcoolfm'
Pete Snodden in the Morning
Morning from Pete, Paulo & Rebecca - playing all the hits to get you up, along with 'Top Of The Timeline' and 'Cool Before School'
Afternoons with Curtis McCosh
Curtis has all the hits and you pick the songs on 'Your Call' every afternoon - get involved now on Snapchat 'officialcoolfm'
Cool Evenings with Hix
DJ Hix has the biggest hits of right now and the freshest new music every evening
Melissa Riddell
Melissa playing all the hits, plus the iconic Cool Goes Quiet after 11pm - get involved now on Snapchat 'officialcoolfm'
Cool Goes Quiet
End the day with 1 hour of the biggest chilled out tunes. Choose your favourites via WhatsApp or Instagram