10 things we can do with the extra long weekend

Embrace the extra days!

Published 21st Jan 2016

Long weekends are rare, so now we finally have one let's embrace it!

Here are ten things we can do with the extra long weekend...

1. An extra day to lie-in...

2. A three day weekend means our time off won't fly by.

3. Use the extra day to get all those chores done.

4. Monday won't be a grumpy day!

5. We have one less day with our boss.

6. We can do the things we usually forget- like those DIY chores.

7. Itā€™s a whole lot easier to organise meeting friends.

8. We don't have to brave the crowds to go shopping on a Saturday.

9. Itā€™s an extra day to catch up on all the TV weā€™ve missed.

10. Weekend breaks can actually happen!