Colin McArdle Q&A

Find out more about Colin McArdle with his Q&A

Published 11th Mar 2013

What is your weekend anthem? Scooter – Jumping all over the world

What was the first album you ever bought? Panini sticker album season 1983-1984

If you had a choice at interviewing any artist, who would it be and why? Van Gogh, I’d ask why’d you cut your lug off?

First record you ever played on the radio? Corona – Rhythm of the night

What was number one on the charts the day you were born? Sweet - Blockbuster

What did you work as before you were a DJ? J Lo’s nipple personal tweaker, Got bored and moved to West FM

Marmite – love or hate it? Never tried it, sounds bogging!

How do you eat your creme egg? Foil always sticks to the chocolate and touches my fillings and I go ballistic so I try to stay away from them.

Name your three essentials for daily life. Nose hair trimmer, Coffee, Flatulance

What would be your personalised car registration plate? V14 GRA

What were the first words to come out of your mouth this morning? ****! I stood on a plug with my bare feet.

What does your last text message read? Maths A, English A, Biology B, think I got somebody’s exam results sent to the wrong number.

If you could be a character in any movie, which one would it be? Eye Ball Paul in Kevin and Perry

If you could have one super power what would it be? The power of Common Sense, so rare now it should be a super power!