Vandalism "may well be the last straw" for Arran Brewery's Dreghorn plans

Arran Brewery’s Dreghorn site, which has been plagued by vandalism in the past, has yet again been the target of vandals this time causing £600 worth of damage to a forklift truck and an attempted break in has damaged windows.

Published 15th May 2016

Arran Brewery’s Dreghorn site, which has been plagued by vandalism in the past, has yet again been the target of vandals this time causing £600 worth of damage to a forklift truck and an attempted break in has damaged windows.

Managing Director Gerald Michaluk said “This may well be the last straw and we are now seriously looking at finding a more secure site. We have 24hr camera surveillance but this is not deterring the criminals. Our new bottling line is on order and we are expecting to install it in late June early July and have started the staff recruitment process. It is imperative our new facility is secure.

“The site is however also proving problematic for trucks as the tarmac surfaces have not been designed for such heavy vehicles. On top of this the ground is not level enough for safe loading and unloading of vehicles and our chillers have already resulted in complaints from at least one neighbour. These factors combined with the constant fear of break in and vandalism means we are actively looking for an alternative more suitable secure site nearby.

“Our bottling facility has to be on the mainland for economic reasons and in all other respects such as availability of high quality labour, council support, access to market, the site is ideal so, if we do have to relocate, we would like to find somewhere close by.

The Arran Brewery is involved in several developments including an upgrade of the brewery on Arran, and the refurbishment of a public house in Kilbirnie, which should open later this year.