Troon woman in brain cancer appeal to MP's

A woman from Troon who lost her dad to brain cancer is asking you to write to your MP - to encourage them to attend a parlimentary debate on the issue.

Published 15th Mar 2016

A woman from Troon who lost her dad to brain cancer is asking you to write to your MP - to encourage them to attend a parlimentary debate on the issue.

33 year-old Amy McLaughlan's dad, John, passed away last August - she started the 'Small but Mighty' fund in his honour - to raise cash to be ploughed into research.

Now, she needs you to ask your MP to be present on April 18th, as they decide whether to allocate Government funds to finding a cure.

Only 1.5% of all funding is currently dedicated to fighting brain cancer and Brain tumours kill more children and adults under 40 than any other cancer.

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Less than 20% of those diagnosed with brain cancer survive beyond 5 years.

In 2014, brain tumours received 1.5% (£7.7 million) of the £498 million national spend on research into cancer.

At this rate, it could take 100 years to catch up with developments in other diseases.

The Brain Tumour Charity is calling on the Government and larger cancer charities to raise investment to £30-£35 million a year.

Amy spoke to our reporter Natalie Crawford...