Troon man jailed for historic sexual abuse

A man convicted of raping a schoolgirl and sexual abusing a young boy more than 30 years ago has been jailed for six years.

Published 21st Mar 2016

A man convicted of raping a schoolgirl and sexual abusing a young boy more than 30 years ago has been jailed for six years. Kenneth Paton, 46, of Troon, was convicted after trial at the High Court in Glasgow. The offences were committed between 1984 and 1988. Judge Bill Dunlop QC told Paton: “These were truly horrible offences. You inflicted abuse on your two victims. “These offences happened a long time ago and there is no suggestion you present an ongoing risk and you were young yourself at the time.” Judge Dunlop also placed Paton on the sex offenders' register. Defence QC Gary Allan said: Mr Paton continues to maintain his position of innocence. His partner is standing by him.”