Teenager charged after drugs suitcase Facebook post goes viral

Police have traced the teenager responsible for leaving a case containing thousands of pounds worth of drugs on a bus.

Published 25th Aug 2017
Last updated 25th Aug 2017

A 17 year old boy has been arrested and charged in connection with a drugs haul found by another passenger on a bus on Tuesday.

The case was handed into Dumfries and Galloway police who put out a humorous lost and found post on their Facebook the next day which went viral.

It read: "Were you a bit wasted last night? Did you misplace a suitcase with £6,500 worth of drugs in it? Great news, it's been found and we have it at Dumfries Police Station."

The post continued: "Just pop in, tell us what's inside it, where you left it and we will be happy to return it to you!"

"You will be arrested and will only get the empty case back after the court case."

It was teamed with a funny video of Star Trek start Patrick Stewart putting his head in his hands.

The post was viewed more than 66 thousand times.

A report will now be sent to the procurator fiscal.