Stewarton Dad backs campaign for lifesaving defibrillator in the town

The town currently doesn't have one which is accessible 24/7.

Published 18th Oct 2018

A campaign is underway in Stewarton to get a defibrillator in the town which can be accessed anytime.

Currently, the only defibs available are in sports centres and supermarkets which aren't open all the time.

Stewarton Boy's Brigade is now starting to raise the £1,200 needed to buy one. Hundreds of pounds have already been donated getting them just under half way to their target.

Chris Woods is a Dad from Stewarton and is supporting the campaign. His daughter needed heart surgery for a rare condition when she was just nine months old. He knows first hand how vital access to a defibrillator is.

"Abby was rushed for heart surgery and as a family it was a major shock. It took a lot to get used to and our whole lives changed from that point.

"Her condition is something that goes undiagnosed quite regularly and one of the things that can happen is it can cause a heart attack at any time. It is unpredictable.

"Defibrillators are an important thing for communities to be able to access instantly without any delay. A lot of people don't understand how quickly something can go wrong with your heart.

"Why should we have to wait extra time for someone to get the help that they urgently need? This machine will help them out instantly."

You can support the campaign for a defibrillator in Stewarton here.