Skelmorlie Man Faces Having £220,000 Of His Assets Seized

Published 18th May 2015

An Army veteran who was jailed for farming cannabis faces having more than £220,000 assets seized.

Scott Darroch was given three years in February for producing 150 cannabis plants and being concerned in supplying the drug at his home in Skelmorlie.

Now prosecutors claim the former Royal Engineer - who owns five properties and has 14 bank accounts - benefited from "general criminal conduct".

Darroch, 51, suffered severe combat stress from serving in Iraq and was a recluse, checking roadsides for bombs whenever he left his remote farmhouse, Kilmarnock Sheriff Court heard earlier.

He claimed his only visitors were fellow traumatised ex-Servicemen who self-medicated with cannabis.

The Crown has served him with Proceeds of Crime papers and a hearing will be held at the same court next month.