A seat on the board for Killie fans?

There could soon be fans on the board at Rugby Park.

Published 26th Apr 2016

There could soon be fans on the board at Rugby Park.

It's after an agreement was reached by Kilmarnock football club and the Killie Trust.

The plan is to raise £100,000 to bring them to a shareholding level which would get them a seat at the table.

Their AGM is taking place this afternoon - where this will be discussed as well as the relegation threat and the loss of nearly £725,000.

The club released this statement earlier:

The Kilmarnock Supporters’ Society (Killie Trust) and Kilmarnock Football Club are delighted to announce that Heads of Terms have been agreed to enable the Supporters' Society to commence the process of investing in the Club with a view to obtaining full board membership status for a duly appointed representative of the Supporters' Society.

The Heads of Terms will be signed at the Club's AGM on Tuesday 26th April 2016, after which the Supporters' Society will work with the Club to take this exciting initiative towards a formal launch.

The planned initial investment of £100,000 will raise the Supporters' Society shareholding in the Club to a level whereby board membership is achievable and it is hoped that all Kilmarnock FC supporters will recognise that this innovative approach will inject valuable working capital into the Club while at the same time securing a voice in the governance of the Club.