Scottish Tory leader publishes tax return

Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson has published her tax return ahead of the Prime Minister.

Published 10th Apr 2016

Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson has published her tax return ahead of the Prime Minister.

The unprecedented release of her personal finance details follows the furore about Mr Cameron's shares in an offshore fund set up by his father Ian, revealed in the Panama Papers leak.

Ms Davidson's tax return reveals she earned £52,223 in the financial year 2014-15 and paid £10,513 in tax.

The documents she owed £3.20 in tax for that financial year as of January 2016.

The figures reveal total of £10,358 of her income was taxed at the higher 40% rate.

Her tax return shows she received #12,085 in benefits and expenses to cover her office costs which were deducted for tax purposes.

David Cameron has confirmed he will publish his tax returns and said he botched the handling of the row over his financial affairs.

Speaking at the Conservative Party's spring forum in central London, he said: It has not been a great week. I know that I should have handled this better, I could have handled this better.

I know there are lessons to learn and I will learn them.

Don't blame Number 10 Downing Street or nameless advisers, blame me.''

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said he would publish his own tax return very, very soon''.

Ms Davidson released her tax return after the Scottish Labour leader published hers and challenged other party leaders to do the same.

A Labour spokesman said: The Panama papers showed that the rich elite are playing by different rules from the rest of us.

Following the shocking revelation that the Prime Minister has benefited from money hidden away in tax havens, it's more important than ever for all political leaders to be transparent about their finances.

So today we publish Kezia Dugdale's tax returns and challenge other Scottish party leaders to do the same.'' The returns show Ms Dugdale had an income of £57,465 in 2014-15 and was charged £11,250.40 tax.

A total of £4,282 benefits and expenses for office costs was deducted for tax purposes, £5,242 was classified as profit from self employment'' through Ms Dugdale's newspaper columns although the cash goes directly to charity MND Scotland. The amount outstanding as of January 2016 was £743.40 in tax for the newspaper columns.