Scottish Lib Dem leader calls for a 'clear out' of Tories

Willie Rennie attacked the Westminster Government and the SNP at Holyrood during his address to the party's conference

Published 11th Nov 2017

Scotland needs a “clear-out” of the Conservatives, Liberal Democrat leader Willie Rennie said as he condemned Tory “incompetents”.

The Scottish Lib Dem leader mounted a fierce attack on the Tories both north and south of the border, blasting the “shambles” of Theresa May's administration at Westminster.

And while the Scottish Tories have enjoyed a revival under Ruth Davidson - who is due to appear on the celebrity Great British Bake Off - Mr Rennie branded them the “baked alaska of politics”, claiming they were “warm, fluffy and attractive on the outside” but had an “ice-cold heart”.

Hitting out at the Tory government at Westminster, Mr Rennie told the Scottish Liberal Democrats conference in Dunfermline: “The shambles of the Conservatives in London is now so stark it makes John Major's government of the 1990s look like a beacon of competence, unity and purpose.”

Under Mr Major, the Tories were hit by sleaze allegations and were ridden with infighting over Europe.

But Mr Rennie said the “only good thing” was that all 12 of the Scottish MPs Mr Major had were ousted in 1997.

“They all lost their seats, every single one of them,” he said.

“The events of this week show it is time for another clear-out.

“Our country deserves better than incompetents in London and pastel-tinted fakes in Scotland.”

He hit out at the Tories over Brexit, and said Mrs May must not shy away from having a debate on immigration in a bid to “salvage something positive for Britain” from her “failing and destructive administration”.

Mr Rennie said if the Tories keep their pledge to cut immigration after leaving the European Union, this would “damage our economy and public services” leaving many feeling “betrayed”.

In contrast, he likened the Lib Dem approach to immigration to Paddington Bear - saying they were “open, warm-hearted, generous” and “embracing the world”.

He continued his attack on the Tories, saying the way the Conservatives were “damaging” Britain “ought to be a crime”.

The Scottish Liberal Democrat leader said: “The Prime Minister loses her majority, loses her authority and loses control of her cabinet.”

He added: “At one of the most important periods in our politics, this is not a time for incompetents.”

His speech also included an attack on the SNP who, after 10 years in government at Holyrood, have “no fizz left in their Irn-Bru”.

He attacked the SNP record on health, education, policing and colleges, telling party members: “The SNP are on their way out and they can't hide it.”

Mr Rennie was also scathing of former SNP leader and first minister Alex Salmond, who is to host a weekly talk show on the Russian state-funded RT channel.

“It is a disgrace that Alex Salmond has decided to supplement his first minster's pension by legitimising a Russian organisation whose mission is to undermine democracy,” he blasted.