Scottish Labour Leader to attack 'austerity of nationalism' in speech

Labour's anti-austerity policies can offer a 'unifying vision' in a Scotland which has become 'scarred' and 'divided', Richard Leonard will claim.

Published 4th Jun 2018

The Scottish Labour leader insists his party's commitment to tackling poverty and ending inequality will win support from independence campaigners as well as those who want to see the country remain in the UK.

And while he says Scotland is still 'too divided' in the wake of the 2014 referendum, he will argue Labour's plans for an 'economic transformation' will allow the country to move on from this.

Mr Leonard will use a speech in Glasgow to insist that the 'real divide' in the UK is between rich and poor, not between different nations.

The speech will form part of his response to a recent report from the Sustainable Growth Commission - which was set up by the SNP to look at Scotland's economic future.

With the report calling for an independent Scotland to continue to use the pound for a 'transition period' of several years, some on the left claimed it was too timid.

Mr Leonard, who has already argued the deficit reduction plans set out by the commission would result in spending cuts, will pledge Labour will instead offer a 'radical, anti-austerity agenda''.

He will say: 'Our country and our society remains too divided, we are still scarred by the arguments of the past, but we will only move forward when we come together and demand real change.

'The real divide in the UK is not between the people of the four nations. It is between the richest and the rest of us. One in four Scottish children are living in poverty at a time when the richest 1% in Scotland own more personal wealth than the poorest 50%.

'That won't change by redrawing lines on a map, it will only change with a rebalanced economy and a redistribution of wealth, power and opportunity.

'That's why we need to stop dividing people on the basis of nationality and start uniting people on the basis of class to bring about real change.'

Mr Leonard will continue: 'Only Labour can offer this unifying vision. Austerity is a political not an economic choice, and it is the choice being taken by both Ruth Davidson and Nicola Sturgeon.

'That's the new dividing line which has opened up in Scottish politics: the SNP and the Tories on one side promoting another decade of austerity and public expenditure cuts and Labour on the other promoting a decade of real and sustainable investment in public services and our economy.

'The choice now couldn't be clearer - the austerity economics of nationalism or the transformation of Scotland's economy in the UK with Labour.'

An SNP spokesman said: 'It would be laughable if it were not so serious, that Scottish Labour would talk about unity whilst being so hopelessly consumed by chaos and conflicting positions on Brexit - one of the biggest threats facing Scotland.

'Meanwhile, it is the SNP government in Scotland, and in opposition in Westminster, that is stepping up to the mark and working to protect the economy, jobs and the livelihoods of families across the country.

'The Growth Commission has opened up a lively and encouraging discussion over the path that Scotland can take.

'And in the wake of the 'Armageddon' no-deal Brexit Cabinet briefings, it offers a refreshed approach based on the importance of investment to stimulate Scotland's economy, an end to austerity and a plan for a progressive Scotland.

'Scottish Labour don't know whether they're coming or going. When it comes to uniting to protect Scotland's interests, they are nowhere to be seen.'