Scotland braced for extreme thunder following days of sunshine

We are being warned we've seen the last of the sunshine and flooding could be on the way.

Published 1st Jun 2018
Last updated 1st Jun 2018

We are being warned we have seen the last of the sunshine and flooding could be on the way.

SEPA says most of Scotland should expect very heavy rain and thunder from later this morning into Saturday night.

Vincent Fitzsimons from SEPA said: "We are expecting localised thundery downpours from late Friday morning to Saturday evening. These downpours, which will be intense but very localised, could occur almost anywhere in Scotland apart from the far north-east.

"Where downpours occur this could lead to flooding from small watercourses and the effects of this could be particularly acute in urban areas if drains become overwhelmed.

"As always, our forecasters will continue to monitor the situation and will provide flood alerts and warnings. The most up-to-date flood messages are always available on our live flood updates page on the SEPA website.

"We would encourage the public to remain vigilant, especially in areas susceptible to flooding and sign up to Floodline on 0345 988 1188 for the most up to date alerts and warnings.

"As the national flood forecasting and flood warning authority, we work in close partnership with the Met Office through the Scottish Flood Forecasting Service, to provide daily updates to Local Authorities and first responders on the potential for flooding across Scotland."