Salmond raises prospect of new independence vote after UK Brexit split

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has welcomed Scotland's "unequivocal" vote to stay in Europe after all 32 local authorities delivered a vote for Remain.

Published 24th Jun 2016

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has welcomed Scotland's "unequivocal" vote to stay in Europe after all 32 local authorities delivered a vote for Remain.

But despite the vote, the country still faces having to exit the European Union (EU), after the Leave campaign edged ahead across the UK.

The result means Ms Sturgeon will now come under pressure to call a second independence referendum.

The SNP manifesto for May's Scottish Parliament election said there should be another ballot if there was a "significant and material" change in circumstances from the 2014 vote, such as Scotland being taken out of the EU against its will.

After all the results north of the border were declared, Ms Sturgeon said: "Scotland has delivered a strong, unequivocal vote to remain in the EU, and I welcome that endorsement of our European status.

"And while the overall result remains to be declared, the vote here makes clear that the people of Scotland see their future as part of the European Union."

She added: "Scotland has contributed significantly to the Remain vote across the UK. That reflects the positive campaign the SNP fought, which highlighted the gains and benefits of our EU membership, and people across Scotland have responded to that positive message.

"We await the final UK-wide result, but Scotland has spoken - and spoken decisively."

Former first minister Alex Salmond said: "Scotland looks like it is going to vote solidly Remain. If there was a Leave vote in England, dragging us out the EU, I'm quite certain Nicola Sturgeon would implement the SNP manifesto."