Safety fears at South Ayrshire school after pupil walks out playground

The eight year-old made her way to her grandparents house.

Published 29th Mar 2018

There are concerns over the saftey of pupils at a school in South Ayrshire.

It's after an eight year-old girl was able to leave the playground at Braehead Primary in Ayr and walk all the way home to her grandparents house.

It was an hour and a half before the school informed mum, Carol-Ann Wade.

She says, "I was very angry. Although I knew she was safe, anything could have happened to her.

"The school has a duty of care. But they didn't phone straight away and that is wrong. You expect your kids to be safe.

"There needs to be something done, perhaps security stepped up so kids can't just up and leave whenever they want.

"The school does have security gates but there is one entrance which kids can get in and out of freely.

"It's a huge concern and it's not just myself, there are other parents as well. It goes to show that this is a serious problem in this school."

A statement from South Ayrshire Council says, "We are aware of the incident and are working with the child and their family to make sure this does not happen again. We are also reminding all children of the dangers of leaving school unaccompanied.”