Robber who held up Stevenston petrol station jailed for four years

Scott Homer hid two poles to make them look like a gun during the raid

Published 2nd Oct 2017
Last updated 2nd Oct 2017

A robber who held up a petrol station shop using two poles taped together to look like a shotgun has been jailed for four years.

At the High Court in Glasgow 37-year-old Scott Homer admitted assaulting and robbing employee Linda Fry, 63, at Auchenharvie petrol station in Bogglement Street, Stevenston, Ayrshire, on May 6.

Homer walked into the shop at 7.45am, removed the poles from under his jacket and held the item as if it was a real firearm.

He then pointed the poles at Ms Fry and shouted “ Give me the money or you are getting it.”

Brave Ms Fry pushed Homer and shouted at him and at one point shouted at told him “Don't hurt me.”

Homer got no money from the till, but stole Ms Fry's handbag which contained bank cards and £45 in cash.

Judge Lady Rae told Homer, who carried out the robbery to pay off drug debts: “You robbed a 63-year-old woman who was doing her job. You threatened and terrified her. She acted extremely bravely in tackling you.

"While you pursued her and in a mean act stole her handbag and contents. She still suffers the effects of what you did and has became much more wary of people.”

Prosecutor Bernard Ablett said: “The poles were attached together to give the appearance of a shotgun.”

He added: “ During the struggle with Linda Fry, the accused then removed a black pointed implement from a trouser pocket and brandished it as if he intended to thrust it towards her.”

Ms Fry struggled with Homer until she was able to break free and run out the shop..

He took her handbag which was lying nearby and left with that.

Homer was caught on CCTV cameras walking towards Hillside Court in Stevenson.

Police carried out door-to-door inquiries and got no answer at number 6. They checked with the council and discovered that Homer had a tenancy there.

Meanwhile police office in Saltcoats police station had viewed the CCTV footage from the petrol station shop and recognised Homer., who has previous convictions.

A warrant was issued and a roll of tape, the remnants of the poles and the black pointed implement was found in his home.

Defence counsel Derick Nelson said: “He has a significant drug problem andwas starting to owe people a lot of money.

“He feels terrible he subjected this lady to what must have been a terrifying ordeal for her."