Prestwick pensioners robbed in their own homes

Detectives are continuing enquiries following two incidents in Prestwick where two elderly people had money stolen from their homes.

Published 3rd Jul 2016

Detectives are continuing enquiries following two incidents in Prestwick where two elderly people had money stolen from their homes.

The first incident occurred around 1800 hrs on Friday 1 July 2016, when a man approached the door of an 87 year old woman in Wallace Court, conned his way into her home and stole a quantity of cash.

The suspect is described as white, around 5 ft. 8 or 5ft. 9 in height, with a heavy build. The man had short, fair/light brown hair and spoke with a Scottish accent. He was wearing a beige coloured jumper and beige coloured trousers.

The second incident occurred around 1930 hours on Friday 1 July 2016, in Adamton Road South, Prestwick, when once again a man entered the home of a 94 year old man, who is partially sighted and stole a quantity of cash.

Offices have been carrying out door-to-door enquiries in and around both areas in an effort to obtain additional details on the man involved.

There is a possibility that both incidents have been carried out by the same person, but officers are keeping an open mind and all lines of enquiry will be followed up. It is unknown at present if there is more than one perpetrator.

Detective Constable Karen Smith said:

“Unfortunately, two of our most vulnerable members of the community have been duped by these despicable people. I am at a loss as to how anyone can conduct themselves in such a way and feel nothing but contempt for people who carry out such crimes. I am determined to find them and hold them to account for their actions. I am appealing to local residents and anyone who may have been in these areas to think and consider if they saw anything which seemed a little odd. It’s possible someone may have seen this man in the company of another, perhaps approaching doors in and around the area. If you have any information or knowledge about either incidents or the man described, please get in touch as a matter of urgency and help us find these people.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact officers at Ayr Police Office on 101. Alternatively, please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where information can be given anonymously.