In pictures: The Fife home where toddler Liam Fee was murdered

Pictures from inside the Fife house where 2-year-old Liam Fee was killed have been revealed today - after his mother and her civil partner were convicted of his murder.

Published 31st May 2016

Pictures from inside the Fife house where 2-year-old Liam Fee was killed have been revealed today - after his mother and her civil partner were convicted of his murder.

Toddler Liam Fee was found dead at the housenear Glenrothes on March 22 2014, having suffered a ruptured heart as a result of severe blunt force trauma to his body.

His mother, Rachel Trelfa or Fee, 31, and partner Nyomi Fee, 29, had denied killing the child but were convicted of his murder following a seven-week trial at the High Court in Livingston.

The women, originally of Ryton in Tyne and Wear, were also found guilty of a catalogue of abuse against two other young boys, including one they falsely blamed for Liam's death.