Paraglider who flew over Trump's Turnberry resort investigated by police

Police have launched an investigation to try to trace a protesting paraglider who flew over Donald Trump's Turnberry resort in Scotland.

Published 14th Jul 2018

Police Scotland said the incident, which took place on Friday night, was being treated as a 'breach of the air exclusion zone' that was in place.

Mr Trump and his wife Melania are staying at the Turnberry resort in Ayrshire during what is a 'private visit' to Scotland, after the president had meetings with Theresa May and the Queen.

But Greenpeace flew a paraglider with a banner message saying 'Trump Well Below Par' above the hotel.

Ben Stewart, from the campaign group, said: 'Theresa May should not have dignified Trump with a visit to the UK. The vast majority of British people are appalled by his words and deeds. He is, simply, the worst president ever. That's why we flew over him with a message branding him well below par.''

Detective Inspector Stephen McCulloch, of Police Scotland, said: 'We are investigating a breach of the air exclusion zone over Turnberry hotel, which is a criminal offence.

'We are attempting to trace the pilot and I would appeal to anyone with any information about the incident to call Police Scotland on 101.'