Overseas conflict victims to receive £300,000 of emergency aid

Refugee Camp in Uganda
Author: Clyde NewsPublished 17th Jul 2018

The Scottish Government is giving £300,000 of emergency aid to help victims of three of the world's most violent ongoing conflicts.

Up to £100,000 will be given to each of the three crisis areas of Syria, Yemen and South Sudan/Northern Uganda to assist civilians affected, including many children.

The cash from the Humanitarian Emergency Fund (HEF) will be distributed via aid agencies on the ground.

External Affairs Secretary Fiona Hyslop said the money would "help to provide much needed assistance''.

She added: "The conflicts in Syria, Yemen and South Sudan have caused terrible suffering.

"It has led to the large scale displacement of local populations, with severe humanitarian consequences and an urgent need for assistance from the rest of the world.

"We want Scotland to be a good global citizen and our Humanitarian Emergency Fund aims to provide emergency life-saving aid to those most in need.

"Our HEF panel member agencies are ready to provide in-country support to the innocent people caught up in these conflicts, many of whom are children.''

The panel comprises eight humanitarian aid organisations in Scotland who advise and access the fund.

These are Tearfund, Oxfam, Save the Children, British Red Cross, SCIAF, Mercy Corps, Mission Aviation Fellowship, and Christian Aid