Nicola Sturgeon takes election campaign to Govan shipyard

Jobs, GPs and geriatric care will be top of the agenda for Scotland's politicians vying for election on the campaign trail today.

Published 25th Apr 2016

Jobs, GPs and geriatric care will be top of the agenda for Scotland's politicians vying for election on the campaign trail today.

SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon will meet with trade union representatives at Govan shipyard, pledging the SNP's support for the yards and calling on David Cameron to meet his promises to the industry.

She said: It would be an absolute betrayal if David Cameron was to go back on his word now. The SNP will always do our best to support Scotland's shipyards, to protect jobs and to ensure promises made to Scotland are kept.''.

The SNP in government has worked closely with BAE and the trade unions to support the yard and we will give them our full support over the coming months.''

Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale will visit Craigmillar Pharmacy and set out plans to tackle Scotland's GP crisis.

Labour would introduce universal access to the Minor Ailments Service in community pharmacies and invest in primary care.

She said: Labour introduced the Minor Ailments Service back in 2006 and we will expand it to give everybody the chance to have common conditions treated at their local community pharmacy.

By giving everybody the opportunity to take advantage of the Minor Ailments Service we can free up our GPs to have more time to care for patients who really need their help.

Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson will visit Ductform in Glenrothes, Fife, to discuss ways to boost employment in Scotland and highlight her plans to freeze business rates, support college places and boost skills.

She said: Job creators are telling me they need to see a skills revolution in Scotland - so we need to do more to support colleges. We also propose the creation of new Skills Academies to give young people technical training.

Firms are saying they need support to help them cope with the the global headwinds - which is why we need to freeze business rates.

Most of all, we need to keep competitive tax rates so that we do not get a reputation as the highest taxed part of the UK.''

Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Willie Rennie will join Inverness and Nairn candidate Carolyn Caddick for a curling lesson at Inverness Ice Centre, and promote his plans to free the public sector from top down targets.

He said: The SNP pay lip service to localism but the truth is that this is top-down, Edinburgh-knows-best government of the worst sort. People in places like the Highlands cannot wait any longer for the SNP to get serious about localism.'' Scottish Green candidate Alison Johnstone will visit The Hollies Lunch Club in Musselburgh, and call for a Commission on older people's health and personal independence.

She said: A stronger group of Green MSPs would push for a Commission to establish how best to maintain older people's health and independence. We'd also pay care staff a Living Wage Plus of #9 an hour and increase the Carer's Allowance by 50%.'' Meanwhile, over 100 members of Glasgow Disability Alliance will gather on Glasgow Green for the launch of their Manifesto for Equal Participation.