Nicola Sturgeon Praises Wolfson Foundation on 60th Anniversary

Nicola Sturgeon
Published 1st Oct 2015

A charity which has awarded £150 million to higher education, health and cultural projects in Scotland is celebrating its 60th anniversary.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon was among those who paid tribute to the philanthropic legacy of Sir Isaac Wolfson, who established the Wolfson Foundation in 1955.

Born to Jewish immigrants in Glasgow in 1897, he set up the funding charity which supports and promotes excellence in the fields of science and medicine, health and disability, education and the arts and humanities.

It has given away £50 million within Glasgow alone over six decades.

Some 1,000 Scottish projects supported include the Wolfson galleries in Edinburgh's National Museum Scotland and the Wolfson Medical School at the University of Glasgow.

Ms Sturgeon joined more than 200 figures from across the education, health and cultural sectors at the university's Bute Hall to celebrate the anniversary.

She said: "The Wolfson Foundation has helped to transform the lives of thousands of people across Scotland through awards of more than £150 million to projects across the country.

"Isaac Wolfson's vision and generosity has supported the establishment of a truly remarkable institution - one which has contributed hugely to supporting culture, health and education in Scotland and across these islands.

"The Wolfson Foundation is an important and inspiring example of the benefits philanthropy can bring - not by replacing public investment, but by complementing it.

"I am delighted to play a role in marking its 60th anniversary and wish the foundation many more years of successful philanthropy.''

Paul Ramsbottom, the foundation's chief executive, said: "It is a great privilege and pleasure to celebrate the Wolfson Foundation's 60th anniversary in the city which welcomed Sir Isaac Wolfson's family as refugees so many years ago.''