New approach to community policing in North Ayrshire

A locally influenced policing model with a strong focus on prevention and reducing inequalities is the main aim of a new policing approach being launched in North Ayrshire today.

Published 15th Apr 2016

A locally influenced policing model with a strong focus on prevention and reducing inequalities is the main aim of a new policing approach being launched in North Ayrshire today.

Following extensive community consultation by the North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership, the planning and delivery of services in North Ayrshire is being transformed by the introduction of the Locality Approach.

As part of the new Locality Approach, newly formed Locality Policing teams will work closely with communities and partners to identify and address local issues, by working with local people, community groups and organisations, in newly formed Locality Partnerships in Arran, the Garnock Valley, Irvine, Kilwinning, the North Coast and Cumbraes and the Three Towns areas.

Chief Superintendent Gillian MacDonald, Divisional Commander for Ayrshire Division, commented "I welcome the locality approach being adopted by the Community Planning Partnership in North Ayrshire and believe that it will support meaningful engagement with communities, closer partnership working and the delivery of better outcomes for local people.

"I am committed to ensuring Police Scotland plays its part and we have developed a new community policing model to support this new approach. We have re-configured our Community Policing resources to create a Locality Policing Team for each of the six localities.

"The size of the team will be proportionate to the Locality and each will be overseen by a Community Policing Inspector and a dedicated Sergeant. The majority of the Constables on the teams will work a new shift pattern, which will facilitate strong partnership working in each Locality and the extension of our successful Prevention First model across North Ayrshire. The remaining Constables will work more regular ‘office hours’ to ensure that we maintain strong relationships with schools and our town centre communities.

"The Locality approach will offer opportunities to provide services that are locally influenced with a strong focus on prevention and reducing inequalities. I am excited by the prospect and look forward to seeing the approach progress."

The Locality Policing Teams will complement the traditional Response and Community Police Responder teams, but in the coming months will be working closely with the new Locality Partnerships and will be providing increased foot and cycle patrols in local communities. Residents are encouraged to speak with officers, discuss any local concerns or alternatively call 101.