Murder Enquiry Launched in Kilmarnock

A murder enquiry has been launched following the death of a 38 year-old man in Kilmarnock.

Published 7th Jul 2015

A murder enquiry has been launched following the death of a 38 year-old man in Kilmarnock.

Around hours on Saturday 4 July 2015, two men entered a property in Hareshaw Gardens and attacked the 38 year old.

Emergency services attended and the injured man was taken to Crosshouse Hospital to receive treatment. The man died from his injuries in the early hours of this morning, Tuesday 7 July 2015.

The man can now be named as Jason Dunlop of Hareshaw Gardens, Kilmarnock, also known as Jason Bryden.

His relatives are aware.

His death is being treated as murder and a full report will be sent to the Procurator Fiscal.

Detective Inspector David Moran of the Major Investigations Team (West) said today:

“Extensive police enquiries have been ongoing in the area where the incident took place, and officers are continuing to study CCTV footage and conduct door to door enquiries in an effort to gather more information on the men who are responsible for his death.

“At this time I would urge anyone who was in the area of Hareshaw Gardens around the time of the incident on Sunday night who either witnessed this attack take place, or who has any information that may assist our investigation to contact police as soon as possible.

“You might not think that the information you have is much, but as part of our broader investigation, your information could be critical in tracing those responsible."

Chief Inspector Linda Jones, Area Commander for Kilmarnock added:

“I can understand that the public may have concerns following this murder. I would like to reassure those in the community that uniformed officers will maintain an enhanced police presence across Onthank over the next few days. This is to enable people in the local community to speak to officers about any concerns that they may have, and also to provide any information to police."

Anyone with information that may assist police enquiries should contact Police Scotland on 101. Alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS can be contacted on 0800 555 111, where anonymity can be maintained.