Mundell is Scotland’s invisible man in cabinet, says Labour

Scottish Secretary David Mundell is “Scotland's invisible man in the Cabinet'', Labour has claimed.

Published 11th Jul 2018

Scottish Secretary David Mundell is “Scotland's invisible man in the Cabinet'', Labour has claimed.

Shadow Scotland minister Paul Sweeney argued Mr Mundell had “failed to stand up'' for Scotland's devolution settlement, despite being the longest serving member in one role in Theresa May's Cabinet.

But Mr Mundell hit back, branding Labour “just Nicola's little helpers'' as he attacked the “once proud unionist'' Scottish Labour Party for “repeatedly voting'' with the SNP in Holyrood.

Speaking during Scotland questions in the Commons, Mr Sweeney said: “I feel I ought to congratulate the Secretary of State on achieving a new milestone as the longest serving member in one role in the Prime Minister's Cabinet, though I fear it may be a virtue of his invisibility rather than his invincibility.

“As we have just heard, the Secretary of State is failing to stand up for Scotland's interests when it comes to shipbuilding and his 12 Scottish Tory colleagues and himself have failed to stand up for Scotland's devolution settlement.

“So will he use the influence he should have developed over these last few years and condemn his Government's handling of the devolution settlement, demonstrating he isn't just Scotland's invisible man in the Cabinet.''

Mr Mundell referenced Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon as he responded: “What I condemn is the once proud unionist Scottish Labour Party repeatedly voting with the SNP in Holyrood. What they've become I'm afraid is just Nicola's little helpers.'