MSPs wants details of Armed Forces visiting schools

MSPs want the Ministry of Defence to publish details of visits to schools carried out by the armed forces in Scotland on an 'ongoing basis'.

Published 4th Jun 2018

Members of Holyrood's Public Petitions Committee have been investigating the impact of visits by the services after concerns were raised that pupils were not given a 'balanced picture' of the type of work they do.

On the issue of school visits by the armed forces, the committee said it was 'not possible to conclude that such activities constitute an explicit act of recruitment'.

But they added that as the visits promote careers in the services, they could 'therefore form part of the recruitment journey for some young people who choose to join'.

In a report on the issue, they called on the Scottish Government to carry out a special child rights and wellbeing assessment in relation to these visits, to make sure the content is 'appropriate' and the information provides a 'balance of views'.

The organisation ForcesWatch, which scrutinises the recruitment practices of the armed forces, and the Quakers in Scotland, raised concerns in a petition submitted to Holyrood in March 2016.

One of the 'underlying points of the petition is a concern about armed forces visits to schools potentially occurring disproportionately in areas of higher economic deprivation', the report said.

The MSPs said that while they did not consider targeting of pupils in poorer areas was taking place, these fears could not be addressed 'unless credible and consistent data is available for analysis'.

The committee called for information about armed forces visits to schools to be collected and published, calling on the Scottish Government to request the MoD 'publish information about armed forces visits to schools in Scotland on an ongoing basis'.

Committee convener Johann Lamont said: 'There are clearly strong feelings on all sides of the argument about the role of the armed forces in Scotland's schools and we have listened carefully to all the views we received, and of those we heard from, including the armed forces.

'A career in the armed forces is a legitimate choice. It can, however, be very different from many of the career options that young people consider, which is why we believe that the Scottish Government should undertake a Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment to make sure that the information being given to our young people is appropriate.

'It is also important that armed forces visits should reflect both the opportunities and the risks associated with a career in the armed forces.'

Deputy convener Angus MacDonald said: 'The decision to invite armed forces is rightly a decision for the schools themselves. However, there is clearly wide interest about which schools are being visited and indeed how often.

'That is why our committee is calling on the Scottish Government to liaise with the Ministry of Defence to publish information about armed forces visits to schools on an ongoing basis.'

A spokeswoman for the Army in Scotland said they had 'provided personnel to visit schools for some years, only when specifically invited to do so by the head teacher'.

She added that these visits 'provide assistance across the curriculum, including sport, fitness and wellbeing, leadership, teamwork, delivering STEM projects and citizenship, not just careers presentations, which are given to the older pupils who have expressed an interest'.

The spokeswoman stressed: 'We do not recruit children in schools. We do explain, to older pupils, with the guidance of careers teachers, what a job in the Army entails and how to apply, should we be invited to do so. This is in line with other major employers who are invited to speak to pupils, who are deciding on their future careers and study options.'

A Scottish Government spokeswoman said: 'We will consider the recommendations from the Public Petitions Committee carefully, working with our national and local partners to look at the points raised.

'While it is up to schools and local authorities to determine their involvement with the armed forces as employers, we would expect them to act responsibly and ensure that any participation with any organisation adds value, is appropriate to a child's age and maturity and does not seek to exert undue or inappropriate influence.'

An MoD spokesman said:'Our armed forces are the pride of the United Kingdom and keep us safe every hour of every day - it is absolutely right they engage with young people to share their experiences to talk about the military's contribution to our society.

'As the committee notes, these visits are not done for recruitment purposes and the Armed Forces attend at the invitation of schools.'