MSP racially abused during interview

Published 18th Jul 2018

Labour MSP Anas Sarwar has been subjected to racist abuse as he gave an interview in Glasgow. The politician said he was being interviewed on racism and Islamophobia when someone shouted the slur at him. He tweeted: Just had someone shout ''p*** b**** in my face whilst doing an interview on (ironically) racism and Islamophobia standing by the Clyde.

Not experienced such blatant in your face racism like that in years. What's going on in the world!''

Mr Sarwar has been campaigning against racism and Islamophobia and set up a cross-party group on tackling the issue.

Scottish Labour leader Richard Leonard and the new Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf were among those to send messages of support.

Mr Yousaf tweeted: Very sorry to hear this Anas - an important reminder for anyone who thinks racism/Islamaphobia only exists on social media.

Look forward to meeting colleagues across the political divide as we take forward vital plans to further tackle Hate Crime.''

Mr Leonard said posted online that he was sorry to hear about the incident.

He added: On behalf of the entire Scottish Labour Party I want to express our solidarity with you.

We must never cease the fight against racism.''

A Police Scotland spokeswoman said the incident has been reported to them and inquiries are ongoing.