"Michelle's Law" campaign launched after murder of Ayrshire teenager

The campaign has been launched to improve victim's rights in Scotland.

Published 3rd Aug 2018

A campaign to strengthen the rights of crime victims and their families has been launched following the murder of an Ayrshire schoolgirl.

Michelle Stewart, 17, was stabbed to death by her ex-boyfriend, John Wilson, in Drongan back in 2008. In April 2009, he was sentenced to 12 years in jail for the attack.

Now, her family have started a campaign called “Michelle’s Law.”

It’s after they were informed by letter – nine years on – that Wilson had been approved for First Grant of Temporary Release, which would allow him unescorted access to the community.

The Stewarts say they have had little input into the release process and have been unable to restrict his relocation zone to exclude their local area.

Last month, we reported on the petition started by the family calling for a halt to Wilson’s relocation to Ayr on his release. It currently has 4,500 signatures.

The Campaign for Michelle’s Law calls on the Scottish Government to:

1. Explicitly require the safety and welfare of victims and their families to be taken into account when parole and early release are considered

2. Increase use of powers to impose ‘exclusion zones’ on offenders, to offer increased protection to victims and their families

3. Toughen up the Victim Notification Scheme (VNS) so victims and their families are given reasons for an offender’s release, and can make representations in person

The Scottish Conservatives are also repeating their call for the new Justice Secretary, Humza Yousaf, to order a full review of sentencing, parole and home release policy which would include the consideration of longer jail terms for murderers.

Lisa Stewart, sister of Michelle said: “My sister was taken from us when she was only 17 years old, in a savage, premeditated attack.

“The original sentence was not nearly long enough and now we face, just 9 years on, the prospect of seeing my sister’s killer on the street, on the bus or in the shops. It is unbelievably painful.

“Other families have also contacted me, telling me of their terror at facing their loved one’s attacker and that there’s nothing they can do to stop it.

“That isn’t right, and that’s why we are launching this campaign. We are victims too, and our voices must be heard.”

Liam Kerr, Scottish Conservative shadow justice secretary said: “The tragedy of Michelle’s death has only been compounded by the lack of consideration given to them by the system.

“I am so truly sorry that the Stewarts have had to endure this ordeal, but hopefully we can learn from their experiences and reform parole and early release so that victims and their families are given a proper voice throughout this process.

“Michelle’s Law will ensure that victims have more opportunities to input meaningfully into the parole process and that their concerns will carry greater weight.

“Our justice system must always put victims at its heart, treat families with care and dignity and make sure that the needs of the victim and their families are always considered first, not the perpetrator.