Michael O'Hanlon murder accused 'feared for his life' during Stevenston confrontation

The man accused of murdering Mr Scotland bodybuilding champion Michael O'Hanlon today wept as he told jurors he thought he was going to be killed.

Published 16th May 2017

The man accused of murdering Mr Scotland bodybuilding champion Michael O'Hanlon today wept as he told jurors he thought he was going to be killed.

Steven Kirkwood, 44, said in evidence that he had asked Michael to meet him at HK Autotek in Stevenston, Ayshire, at midday on July 25, last year.

Kirkwood wanted to talk about vitriolic Facebook and text messages that had been exchanged between him and his ex-partner Eileen, who was due to marry 45-year-old Michael on August 15, last year.

He told defence QC Derek Ogg: “I wanted to talk to Michael O'Hanlon and I didn't want any hassle.”

Kirkwood told the jurors that after he walked into the garage office Forbes Cowan, a former competitor in the World's Strongest Man competition, came in a “just started shouting.”

The accused added: “He said: 'Get outside you f***ing prick, till we get this sorted.'

“Out of the corner of my eye I could see Mr Cowan throw a punch and grab the back of my jacket.”

Kirkwood told the court he was down on his right knee when Michael came into the office and both men started raining blows down on him.

He added: “I felt a jagging sensation on the left side of my back coming round to the front.”

Mr Ogg asked: “Was there any way for you to escape,” and Kirkwood replied: “No.”

The QC then said: “What were you thinking,” and the accused stated: “I thought they were going to kill me. I thought they were trying to stab me.

“At one point I pushed back and I saw a knife on the floor behind my left foot. I grabbed for it and swung it round behind me.”

He was asked by Mr Ogg how many times he did this swinging gesture and replied: “I don't know maybe about half a dozen.

Kirkwood told the court that he was swinging the knife in the direction of Michael.

Mr Ogg asked: “Do you accept that all his injuries were caused by the knife you held in your hand,” and Kirkwood said: “Yes.”

Kirkwood was then asked if he knew he had stabbed Michael and he replied: “No.”

He said: “Forbes Cowan backed away from me. I ended up on my feet and Michael backed away towards the door. I edged out and that's when I saw Forbes Cowan handing Michael a pick axe shaft.”

Kirkwood claimed that he was hit on the hand and arm by the shaft as he tried to protect himself.

He said that Michael then went to sit down and Mr Cowan went over to him and added: “I actually thought he was having a heart attack. The pick axe handle was by his side.”

The jury heard that Kirkwood got in his car and drove to his stepson's Derek Kirkwood's shop in Paisley.and later handed himself into the police.

He denied ever having a knife or any other weapon with him that day.

Kirkwood denies murdering Michael by stabbing him at HK Autotek in Stevenston, on July 25, last year.

Charges of having a knife in a public place and attempting to defeat the ends of justice by disposing of it have been withdrawn by the Crown.

The trial before judge Lady Rae continues.