Meeting called at Cairnryan to crack down on puppy farming

Published 21st Jan 2016

A meeting will take place today (Friday 22nd January) at Cairnryan Port in a bid to tighten legislation around puppy farming.

The traders are buying the puppies in Ireland and using the port as a way into the country to then sell on the puppies for a hefty profit.

Often the dogs are neglected and unwell and many don't live more than a few days or weeks after the journey.

In November 2015, 4 puppies were found dumped at the side of the A77 between the port and Ballantrae in South Ayrshire.

The purpose of the meeting in Cairnryan today is to form a working group. This group would look at the current legislation and ways it can be tightened to protect the animals and those buying them.

The group would also hope to make it more difficult for traders to get into the country via the ferry port.

Councillor Willie Scobie is involved in the campaign and told our reporter, Natasha Reid, more...