LISTEN: Scots react to Paris terror attacks

Nicola Sturgeon says the people of Scotland stand 'shoulder to shoulder' with France

Published 14th Nov 2015

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon says the people of Scotland stand 'shoulder to shoulder' with France.

She has chaired a meeting of the Scottish Government's resilience committee today in the wake of the Paris attacks.

The First Minister described the incident, in which at least 127 people were killed, as "unspeakably awful''.

France has declared a national state of emergency after gun and bomb attacks across the capital on Friday night.

A vigil for the victims of the attacks took place in Glasgow.

Liam Bruce organised the event, which took place at the steps of the Buchannan Galleries...

Fife student Rachel McCallion lives in the city and was at a cinema in the 10th district when the attacks were taking place.

The 20-year-old described the mood on the streets last night.

Gerry Franchetti, 38, from Largs was at Disneyland Paris with his family when the attacks happened in the French capital...

A book of condolence has been opened at the French Consulate in Edinburgh.

Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale was among those who laid flowers there.

Her message on behalf of the party read: "In solidarity with liberte, egalite, fraternite''.

The Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, the Rt Rev Dr Angus Morrison, said: "News of the latest terrorist attacks in France have shocked and appalled us all.

"My heart - and I speak for us all in the Church of Scotland - goes out in deepest sympathy to all who have lost family members and friends and to those who have been injured in this atrocity.

"Such assaults are an attack on us all and on the values we cherish. In our divided world the task of peacemaking has never been more important.''

Ms Dugdale is due to give a speech to Democrats Abroad, the official arm formembers of the Democratic Party living outside the US, in Edinburgh this evening.

She will say: "I want to extend my deepest sympathy to the people of France. The brutal and co-ordinated attack in Paris was an attack on all of us, not just across Europe but across the world.

"The purpose of terror is to make us afraid of one another, to be fearful of the ordinary and to make us suspicious of our neighbours.

"But now more than ever we need to remind ourselves of what brings us together as human beings, as brothers and sisters, as neighbours, colleagues and friends, whatever our creed or colour, whatever our background.''

She will add: "We must not give the terrorists what they want by allowing ourselves to become more fearful or by responding with intolerance to people who are different from us. "Our enduring values of freedom and tolerance are far more powerful than terrorism.''

Elsewhere, Renfrewshire Council confirmed that its Christmas lights switch-on had been cancelled as a mark of respect to Paris.

Events were due to begin at 12pm on Paisley High Street with main-stage entertainment from 1pm, and the Christmas lights to be switched on at 6pm, followed by a light show.

Council leader Mark Macmillan said: "Our entire community is joined in solidarity with the people of Paris today.

"I know we will have the full support of our community in taking this decision - we could not have proceeded with our celebrations in the aftermath of these deeply distressing incidents.''

The president of the Bishops' Conference of Scotland, Archbishop Philip Tartaglia, has sent a message of support to the Archbishop of Paris, Cardinal Vingt-Trois, expressing his "sadness at the horrific events which unfolded in Paris last night''.

Mr Tartaglia's message promises to "join with you in prayer, commending to God's love and mercy all those who were killed, injured and bereaved''.

Police Scotland deputy chief constable Iain Livingstone said: "Our thoughts are with everyone affected by the terrible events overnight in Paris. Police Scotland continue to monitor the situation in the French capital.

"I would like to reassure our diverse communities across Scotland that the threat level in the UK has not changed and remains at severe, which means that an attack is likely and may occur without warning.

"I must stress, however, that at present there is no specific intelligence regarding any planned attack, but we all need to remain vigilant. "I would urge everyone to remain alert, and if you see something that concerns you, please report this to us.''

Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson said: The attacks in Paris have, rightly, shocked the world and people across Scotland stand in solidarity with those affected.

The choice of targets - a restaurant, a football match, an arts centre - show that this was as much an attack on our way of life, as on any one nation or people.

It will not not succeed. We will not be cowed by terrorists, nor willingly give up the freedoms we enjoy, that they would seek to crush.

As well as acts of remembrance across the world to those victims in Paris, there is a new resolution that the perpetrators will never be allowed to win.''