LISTEN: Parent power puts child safety in the spotlight at Ayr’s Forehill Primary

A primary school in South Ayrshire is preparing to hold a road safety campaign to try and tackle a persistent problem of dangerous parking. Concerns that inconsiderate and illegal parking poses a potential risk to pupils has led to the roads blitz, which it’s hoped will change behaviour for the better.

Published 13th Apr 2016

A primary school in South Ayrshire is preparing to hold a road safety campaign to try and tackle a persistent problem of dangerous parking. Concerns that inconsiderate and illegal parking poses a potential risk to pupils has led to the roads blitz, which it’s hoped will change behaviour for the better.

Parents at Forehill Primary in Ayr have voiced repeated concerns about illegal parking on the school run, with the school now taking action to reinforce responsible behaviour. The pilot campaign, which is a joint exercise between South Ayrshire Council, Ayrshire Roads Alliance, and Police Scotland, will see parking attendants issue fixed penalty charges of £60 to offending drivers between Monday 18 and Friday 29 April 2016.

David Watson, Head teacher at Forehill Primary said he hoped the message gets through that safety shouldn’t be taken for granted, “While the majority of parents observe the rules, a persistent minority park illegally on a regular basis for no good reason.

“We regularly receive complaints about the practice from parents who are ultimately concerned about the safety of their children, something that bad parking puts at risk.

“While we hope that no penalties are issued throughout the campaign we need to make the point that enough is enough; and that with the start of the new term, something has to change.”

Amanda D'Amico, Chair of Forehill Primary’s Parent Council, said, “Dangerous parking is an issue that comes up time and time again, and we feel that action has to be taken to try and change this behaviour.

“By taking this partnership approach we’re hoping to highlight this serious problem which could be easily dealt with if all parents decided to act in their children’s best interests.”

She spoke to our reporter Natalie Crawford...

Stewart Turner, Head of Roads: Ayrshire Roads Alliance, said that he hoped the positive message would be taken on board, “The campaign’s being launched in response to feedback from parents who were concerned about indiscriminate parking in the vicinity of the school.

“The restrictions in place at schools were introduced to provide clear sightlines for children crossing the road and to help drivers see children clearly.

“Our parking attendants will be working with Police Scotland across the two week period to make the point that inconsiderate parking does carry consequences. We also hope drivers will start thinking about other people when they’re dropping off their own kids in future.”