LISTEN: Drug-related deaths almost double in one year in Ayrshire

The figures published today show a worrying rise.

Published 15th Aug 2017
Last updated 15th Aug 2017

The rate of drug-related deaths in Scotland is higher than anywhere else in Europe.

Figures show 867 people died from illegal drug overdoses last year - which is nearly a quarter more than in 2015.

There were more than 160 deaths per one million people - which is more than 27 times that of Portugal.

The majority (68%) of drug-related deaths last year were men and almost three-quarters (72%) of drug-related deaths were in the over-35 age group.

Ayrshire and Arran has seen the biggest jump in Scotland, with nearly double the number of deaths than the previous year.

Our reporter Natasha Reid has been speaking to families in Ayrshire left devastated by drug abuse…

Dave Liddell, chief executive of the Scottish Drugs Forum, said the scale of the problem is a “national tragedy that requires a fundamental rethink of our approach''.

He said: “Other countries have achieved a reduction in overdose deaths by ensuring that people are appropriately retained in high-quality treatment and we must aspire to do the same.''

The Scottish Government said the statistics show an ageing group of drug users are more likely to be affected.

Public Health Minister Aileen Campbell said: “We are dealing with a very complex problem in Scotland - a legacy of drugs misuse stretching back decades.

“What we are seeing is an ageing group of people who are long-term drugs users. They have a pattern of addiction which is very difficult to break, and they have developed other chronic medical conditions as a result of this prolonged drugs use.

“Unfortunately, there is a general trend of increasing drug-related deaths across the UK and in many other parts of Europe.

“There are no easy solutions, but we recognise that more needs to be done.''

She said a refresh of the Government's drugs strategy would provide “an opportunity to reinvigorate our approach, to respond to the new challenges emerging and to be more innovative in our response to the problems each individual is facing''.

Scottish Liberal Democrat health spokesman Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP said the figures are “shocking''.

He said: “The Scottish Government slashed funding to drug and alcohol partnerships by more than 20%. Valuable local facilities have shut their doors. It is even clearer now that this was completely the wrong decision. These services are best placed to intervene and help avoid lives from being lost."

A support group offering help for families affected by drug abuse is due to be launched this month in Ayrshire.

SEA (Someone Else's Addiction) holds weekly drop ins at the YMCA centre in Kilmarnock.

You can find more information here.