Kilwinning woman on verge of being homeless begs Council for help

A Kilwinning mum is begging North Ayrshire Council to let her stay in temporary accomodation until she can find a house.

Published 27th Apr 2016

'It's terrifying hearing your 13-year old son say it's hopeless and he wants to die' - that from a Kilwinning woman who's about to be homeless - she's begging North Ayrshire Council for help.

39-year old Donna Picken was forced to give up her job - but when her benefits got stopped due to a mix up she couldn't pay the rent on her expeinsive private let and was evicted with her 13 year old son.

North Ayrshire Council placed her in temporary accomodation - first in a hostel - then to a known homeless flat - just as she was getting settled they moved her again.

She says being homeless is the worst feeling in the world and she feels ashamed and embarrassed.

But that's not where it ends for Donna - because she says the Council is telling her she's made herself intentionally homeless and she has to leave the flat this week.

She's started a petition, which has gained more than 2,00 signatures ,begging the local authority to reverse their decision and says she just wants them to understand what this is doing to her and more importantly her son - who she says is getting bullied and is telling her he was be better off dead.

The Kilwinning woman fears that come next week, if she has to go, she could be walking the streets with her son.