Kilwinning teenager to hold diabetes conference

Alyssa Faulkner was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes when she was 14 years-old.

Published 7th Jun 2018

A teenager from Kilwinning plans to reach out to other young people living with Type 1 Diabetes in a dedicated conference.

Alyssa Faulkner, 19, was diagnosed five years-ago after two months of feeling unwell.

She said, "My body essentially attacked itself. I lost about two stone in weight, I was constantly thirst and always tired.

"I went to the doctor and they told me to go straight to the hospital. I was then told I had Type 1 Diabetes and would have it for the rest of my life.

"I think it has made me much more empathetic towards other people who have 'invisible illnesses'. But it has definitely had an impact on my life. I used to do rowing but I can't do that anymore.

"Because I was diagnosed when I was 14 years-old, I can still remember what it was like to sit down and have a meal without checking my insulin levels. It's a bit daunting now.

"I want young adults to come together with people who understand because there are a lot of misconceptions. We're constantly asked about what we're doing and people assume we have diabetes because we have too much sugar. We are always correcting them."

The event called "Young, Fun and Type 1" will be held on 23rd of June at the Glynhill Hotel in Renfrew.