Kilwinning Man To Attempt Record Breaking Arctic Trek

Published 15th Sep 2015

A Kilwinning man is hoping to make the record books by treking across the Arctic in an attempt to reach a part of the ice no one has ever been before.

28 year old Michael Brown joined a team called the Ice Warriors who are making the daring journey to raise awareness of climate change.

He'll be completeing 200 of the 800 mile trek in -50 degrees.

But, he needs to raise £20,000 to secure his place on the historic trek which will be used for training and equipment.

He's started a gofundme page to help with the cost.

Michael said: "Not that you can fully train for the cold but you have to be sort of used to it. If something was to go wrong like if the ice broke and I was to fall through or if the sledge went through the ice and I was attached to it. There's even a danger of polar bears, what would we do if they came to close to the team."

If any businesses or companies are interested in finding out how to sponsor the event, they can email Michael at