Kilwinning 'scream mask' robber jailed

A robber wearing a “scream' mask who targeted two stores in Kilwinning within 24 hours has been jailed for four years.

Published 21st Jun 2016

A robber wearing a “scream' mask who targeted two stores in Kilwinning within 24 hours has been jailed for four years. Judge Lady Scott told 31-year-old Bryan Galloway that in view of the risk he posed to the public he will be monitored in the community for two years after his release. Galloway admitted robbing Premier Stores in Glenapp Place, at knifepoint on October 14, 2015, and making off with £300. He also pleaded guilty to attempting to rob Caley Stores in Byres Road the following day. Advocate depute Lynsey Rodger, prosecuting, told the court that on both occasions Galloway wore the distinctive mask and latex gloves. In the first store Galloway walked up to the counter at 7.20pm and told staff: “Put the money in the bag.” He then produced a green carrier bag and demanded: “Put the money in the bag.” One of the staff told Galloway to go away and he produced a knife and replied: “Empty the till, I'm serious. I've got a knife.” He was given £300 in notes from the till and left. Galloway, from Kilwinning, attempted to rob Caley Stores at 8am, when the owner Gavin Davis was in the kitchen area preparing food. He walked past the counter to the kitchen door, threw a carrier bag at Mr Davis and kept saying: “Money, in the bag.” Mr Davis said he did not have any money and the accused began fumbling in a black and white carrier bag. Miss Rodger said: “Mt Davis was worried that the accused might have a knife. So he backed into the kitchen and picked up the large knife he had been using to prepare food. He raised the knife above his head and shouted: “Get out of my shop.” Galloway ran out of the shop empty-handed towards a nearby bowling club leaving a trial of footprints in the wet grass. When police searched the area they found the “scream' mask, gloves and the knife used in the raids.