Kilmarnock woman jailed for neglecting 30 dogs in her care

Three of the dogs Elaine Erskine was supposed to look after had to be put down

Published 8th Oct 2018

A 58-year-old Kilmarnock woman has been jailed for 14 weeks and given a lifetime ban from owning animals, after she was found guilty of failing to properly look after 30 dogs in her care.

Elaine Erskine was sentenced at Kilmarnock Sherriff court last week, after she’d been arrested following a Scottish SPCA investigation.

She pleaded guilty to causing unnecessary suffering under section 19 of the Animal Health & Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006.

Commenting on the investigation and court case, Scottish SPCA Inspector Jade Cumming said, “This charge was dealt as Erskine failed to provide adequate nutrition to the dogs in her care, namely two German Shepherds called Rosie and Arti, and one female Jack Russell Terrier, as well as failing to provide protection from hazardous materials to the thirty canine animals in her care.

“The property the dogs were housed in was in a state of disrepair. The flooring was not visible due to the amount of rubbish and faeces, and the smell of ammonia was overpowering. It was clear the property was not fit for dog or human inhabitation.

“The female Jack Russell was in a horrendous state when we arrived. She had wounds to both back legs and the bones in both legs were clearly visible.

“This dog, which was given a body count score of 1/9 by a vet, was extremely emaciated and in a great deal of pain and distress and we made the unfortunate decision to euthanise her.

“We also discovered two adult German shepherds, Rosie and Arti, in a small porch area where they were being housed. Both of these dogs were emaciated, had a body score of 1/9, and on the brink of death.

“Rosie was unable to even lift her head and both dogs had open sores and were extremely distressed, covered entirely in faeces and urine with mounds of faecal material and urine fluids in a pool below and around them.

“Unfortunately, once again a decision was made to euthanise both dogs to prevent further suffering and distress.”

The inspector went on to say, “We welcome the 14 week custodial sentence handed to Erskine as this sends out a strong message that abusing an animal is a criminal offence and the courts will take action.

“In addition, we are pleased Erskine has been banned from owning, keeping or taking possession or care of any animal for life.

“In our view, banning people guilty of mistreating and abusing animals can only help prevent more suffering. Bans also send an important message that owning an animal is a privilege rather than a right."