Kilmarnock teen placed on sex offenders register

A teenager seriously sexually assaulted a 12 year-old girl after youngsters camped overnight in woods.

Published 8th Jun 2018

A teenager seriously sexually assaulted a 12 year-old girl after youngsters camped overnight in woods.

The 16 year-old boy had sex with the schoolgirl in a tent in Kilmarnock, East Ayrshire in June last year.

Rumours later started circulating in the local area what happened before police were alerted.

The boy could now be locked up after he admitted to a rape charge at the High Court in Glasgow.

Neither he or the girl can be identified for legal reasons.

Judge Lady Stacey continued his bail pending sentencing next month.

She told him: “This is a serious matter. This girl was only 12.”

The boy was placed on the sex offenders list meantime.