Kilmarnock man jailed for raping and abusing two former partners

The women were subjected to a catalogue of abuse over a period of nine years

Published 18th Jul 2018

A rapist and domestic abuser was yesterday jailed for nine years and told by a judge: “Women are not your property to do with them what you wish.”

Steven Sprott, 45, was convicted at the High Court in Glasgow of physically abusing two partners, who are aged 47 and 43. He was also found guilty of raping the 43-year-old.

The court heard that he subjected the women to a horrific ordeal due to his controlling behaviour. Sprott would explode in anger if his tea was not ready on time and throw plates of food.

Lord Mulholland ordered Sprott to be monitored in the community on licence for three years after his release from jail.

He told Sprott his behaviour was controlling and coercive and added: “Women are not property. Within a relationship women are not property to do with them what you wish.

“You told the social worker who interviewed you that you do not trust or like women. By your actions you are a danger to women.”

The court heard that at first Sprott was lovely and charming to the women, but quickly became a violent monster.

Lord Mulholland told Sprott: “You moved from one partner to the next. It was like Groundhog Day.

“Women are not objects to be abused by you. Women are there to be cherished and loved, not to be intimidated by your controlling behaviour. You will pay the price for this.”

The offences took place between 1996 and 2005 at various addresses in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire.

The court heard that Sprott's victims aged 47 and 48 were terrified of him and his explosive moods.

The 47-year-old spoke of being timed when she went out the house for messages or to visit family or friends.

She told prosecutor Peter Ferguson: “I used to run back from the bus stop because if I was even five minutes late there would be trouble.”

Sprott would explode in rage if the women had annoyed him. Both spoke of walking on eggshells all the time.

The jury heard that he dragged the 47-year-old woman around the house by her hair, punched and slapped her and nipped her.

Sprott also threw plates of food at her and bit her on the body. He would also smash up furniture, windows and punch and kick walls.

The 43-year-old told of how Sprott would grab her by the hair and pull her around, throw food at her and kick and punch her on the head and body. On one occasion he put a knife to her throat.

He also smashed windows, a television, a stereo, a mirror, a cooker, cups, plates and cupboard doors and ripped up her clothing and underwear.

Sprott also raped her.

The jury also heard evidence from a 44-year-old woman from England who claimed that Sprott raped her and smashed up her home in Blackpool, assaulted her and repeatedly threatened her with violence.

Her evidence was only used to corroborate the Scottish offences and the jury could not return verdicts on the alleged offences.

Sprott denied all the charges against him and claimed when he gave evidence that the women were making it all up.

When asked by Mr Ferguson: “Do you think it is a disgraceful thing to raise your hands to women,”

Sprott replied: “Yes.”

Sprott was placed on the sex offenders' register.

Defence QC John Keenan said: “He accepts he committed a limited amount of violence and is prepared to accept help while in custody."