Kilmarnock Kinship group recieves lottery funding

If you are an aunt, uncle or grandparent who is responsible for the full time care of a child in your family then Kilmarnock Kinship want you to know they are here to help.

Published 25th Mar 2016

If you are an aunt, uncle or grandparent who is responsible for the full time care of a child in your family then Kilmarnock Kinship want you to know they are here to help.

The group has just been awarded nearly £10,000 in lottery funding to raise more awareness of the support they offer to carers.

They have used some of the cash to start a youth group for kinship kids.

Chairperson Nacy Kerrshaw spoke to our reporter Natalie Crawford...

They meet on a Thursday, every 2 weeks, in the Y.M.C.A. in Kilmarnock between 1pm and 2.30pm. All new members are welcome and children welcome during school holidays.

For more information on Kilmarnock kinship email them at or phone them at 07923825935