Kilmarnock college campus evacuated following 'bomb scare'

Emergency services rushed to the scene on Monday morning

Author: Paul KellyPublished 5th Feb 2018

The Ayrshire College campus in Kilmarnock was evacuated on Monday morning following reports of a bomb threat.

Police and the Scottish Fire and Rescue service rushed to the seen, while staff and pupils poured into the area around the building on Hill Street.

Our reporter Natasha Reid was at the scene this afternoon.

Police Scotland confirmed they responded to an incident of “malicious communication” at the college at around 11:30am. Officers said the building was emptied as a “precaution” while emergency services and staff conducted a search of the building.

A spokesman for the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service said: “The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service was alerted at 11:31am on Monday, February 5 to an incident at Ayrshire College, Kilmarnock.

“Operations Control immediately mobilised a total of three fire appliances to the college.

“Crews left the scene at 1.07pm after ensuring the area was made safe.”

Students and staff have been allowed back into the building to collect their belongings, but the college confirmed on twitter that the campus would be closed until Tuesday morning.