Killie home to the best pie in the Premiership

Published 14th Jan 2016

Its official, Kilmarnock Football Club have the Best Pie in the Scottish Premiership…..The top Pie in Scotland’s top league. Brownings the Bakers from Kilmarnock were delighted to pick up the award for the Killie Pie as the Best in The Scottish Premiership at the 17th World Scotch Pie Championship in Cumbernauld yesterday.

Brownings swept the board at the Pie Championships coming away with an impressive 7 awards, 5 of them for the famous Killie Pie including the Best in The Hand Held Steak Pie category.

John Gall was delighted to receive the following awards on behalf of his Browning’s team-

Best in Scottish Premiership-The Killie Pie for Kilmarnock FC

Diamond Award-Hand Held Steak Pie-The Killie Pie

Gold Award-Football Pie-The Killie Pie for Darvel Juniors

Gold Award-Hot Savoury-The Gourmet Killie Pie

Bronze Award-Buffet Killie Pie-Hot Savoury

Bronze Award-Football Pie-The Boaby Steak and Ale Pie for Ayr United

Bronze Award-Sausage Roll-Brownings Sausage Roll

Following the busiest judging day ever a record entry of butchers and bakers entered over 500 pies, pasties, sausage rolls, bridies, savouries and apple pies into the competition with some 300 hopefuls attending the awards luncheon. All the butchers and bakers shortlisted can truly be proud to have produced some of the best products in the land.

Awards presenter Carol Smillie said “I am delighted to have been asked to come along today and present the World Scotch Pie Championship awards. Each and every butcher and baker here today knows they make something special so a confirmation of this kind is the real icing on the cake.”

Brownings Managing Director John Gall said, “I am over the moon that once again the mighty Killie have the title of Best Football Pie in the Scottish Premiership. All the awards we received yesterday were a great testament to my hard working team at Brownings. The Best Football Pie and Best Handheld Steak Pie are fantastic awards to win. We are always saying how good the Killie Pie is and these results just prove it and with me being a Killie Fan, I’m delighted to tell my many Ayr United friends that we are once again better than them!! This is a fantastic start to the year for Brownings.”