Kayak Victim Was Police Officer

Published 15th Mar 2015

A man who died in a kayaking accident was an off-duty police officer. The body of Pc Allan McLean was found in water near Musselburgh shortly after an empty kayak was seen drifting three miles offshore. A fishing vessel raised the alarm after spotting the kayak floating in the Firth of Forth with no one on board yesterday evening. Someone on the shore then spotted a body in the water near Goose Green Place and called emergency services. Police Scotland have now named him as Pc McLean, who had worked with the force in Edinburgh for 19 years. His family issued a tribute statement which reads: Allan was a dearly-loved husband and father to two young girls and will leave a huge gap in the family.We respectfully request that we be left to grieve in private at what is a very difficult time.'' Police said Pc McLean was an experienced public order officer and had recently worked in policy support with the force. Chief Superintendent Andrew Morris said: Allan was an energetic individual who had a huge number of friends throughout the force.He was always taking opportunities to develop himself and was currently studying for a law degree. His enthusiasm was infectious and he will be greatly missed by friends and colleagues.'' There are no suspicious circumstances around the death and a report is to be sent to the procurator fiscal.