Irvine man jailed for raping two women

The attacks happened between 2009 and 2015 in Rutherglen and Girvan.

Published 8th Jun 2018

A man from Irvine has been jailed for eight years for raping two women.

James McMeekin, 43, was convicted of attacking the first while she slept at a house in Rutherglen in July 2009.

He was also found guilty of raping a 43-year-old woman at a house in Girvan in July 2015.

The High Court in Glasgow judge, Norman Ritchie, told McMeekin: “This case has been about how you conducted yourself in relationships with women. You behaved badly towards them and insisted on getting your own way sexually.

“I have to commend these women for coming forward. That could not have been an easy task.”

The court heard McMeekin reported his first rape victim to the cops when she sent him abusive texts.

She was prosecuted for this.

But, when police read the texts they realised that the woman was accusing McMeekin of raping her while she was asleep. Police took a statement from her, but at that point she did not want to proceed to trial against him.

In 2015 when the second victim came forward the police contacted the first victim again and this time she agreed to give evidence against her rapist

In evidence in court the woman said: “I woke up and he was having sex with me. I told him to stop, but he didn't.”

McMeekin's other victim reported him to the police after realising he had raped her.

She told the court that because they were in a relationship at the time so she didn't realise it was rape until she was told by a support worker.

McMeekin claimed that he had consensual sex with both women, but the jury did not believe him.

Prosecutor Sheena Fraser told the court that McMeekin's second victim had to get a non-harassment order against him in 2015 at Ayr Sheriff Court.

McMeekin has been placed on the sex offenders' register.

Defence counsel Louise Arrol said that he continues to protest his innocence and added: “His daughter and sister are standing by him.