Household numbers to increase by 317,000 over 25 years, figures show

The number of households in Scotland is to increase by almost a third of a million over 25 years, according to official forecasts.

Published 11th Jul 2018
Last updated 11th Jul 2018

The number of households in Scotland is to increase by almost a third of a million over 25 years, according to official forecasts.

Statistics published on Wednesday by the National Records of Scotland show the figure is to rise by 317,000 between 2016 and 2041.

However, four council areas - the Western Isles, Argyll and Bute, Inverclyde and North Ayrshire - are all predicted to see a drop in households.

Overall, household numbers are expected to increase at a faster rate than the Scottish population - growing by 13% compared to 5%.

Anne Slater, acting chief executive at National Records of Scotland, said: “The figures published today show a projected 317,000 extra households in Scotland in 2041 compared to 2016.

“This is partly because Scotland's population is projected to increase in this period, but also because of our ageing population.

“Older people are more likely to live alone than younger people, and as more people live alone or in smaller households, the number of households will rise at a faster rate than the population.''

The largest projected percentage increases in households are in Midlothian, East Lothian and the City of Edinburgh - at 36%, 26% and 26% respectively.

Na h-Eileanan Siar, Inverclyde, Argyll and Bute and North Ayrshire are expected to see decreases of 6%, 5%, 2% and less than 1% respectively.

The number of households headed by someone aged 70 or over is projected to increase by 58%, compared to a rise of just 2% for those under 70.

People in the older age bracket living alone is expected to rise by 49% over the next 25 years - at 146,000 men and 247,000 women