Good Mental Health for All Promoted in Ayrshire

Published 19th Aug 2015

Good Mental Health for All, a paper reinforcing the role that achieving good mental health for all has in creating a fairer, healthier Scotland, has been published by NHS Health Scotland.

The paper focuses on the value of a co-ordinated, collaborative approach to improving mental health and creating a Scotland where mental and physical health are valued equally. It outlines actions that local authorities, NHS boards, Community Planning Partnerships and other partnerships and communities can take to improve mental health and aims to raise awareness of the value of good mental health for all.

Some of the key messages outlined in the paper are that: there is no health without mental health good mental health is vital in supporting positive outcomes for individuals, families, communities and society good mental health can be achieved by a wide range of effective policy and interventions, not only those concerning public health our mental health is affected by a wide range of social, economic, environmental, physical and individual factors.

NHS Health Scotland would now like to see a community of interest and collaboration through the National Mental Health Improvement Network and will work with the Scottish Government and other partners to provide leadership for it.

“Improving our mental health and wellbeing, and the inequalities associated with poor mental health, requires action throughout life, from before birth and into older age.” Said Margaret Burns, Chair of NHS Health Scotland “We have an opportunity to improve population mental health and reduce the risk to mental health posed by the varied inequalities that individuals and families in Scotland experience.”

Jamie Hepburn MSP, Minister for Sport, Health Improvement and Mental Health commented:

“I am delighted to support NHS Health Scotland in the publication of this paper, which complements the ambitions of our Mental Health Strategy and the priorities identified within our recently introduced Mental Health Innovation Fund 2015-18.

“We know from our experience so far that, to improve mental health and wellbeing for all, a partnership approach is required, involving NHS, local authorities, third and private sectors; in addition, communities themselves play an important role in enhancing mental health and wellbeing.

“This paper emphasises the cross-cutting nature of mental health and how our mental wellbeing can be protected, or put at risk, by a range of factors. It also reinforces the key message that our aim of good mental health for all can only be achieved by a wide range of effective policy and practice, not only in public health but in other sectors too.”