Former Scottish MP quits the Labour party

The member for Glasgow South has been with the party for 34 years.

Published 4th Aug 2018

Former Scottish MP Tom Harris has quit the Labour party amid the row over anti-Semitism.

Speaking to The Hearald Newspaper, Mr Harris, who is a vocal critic of leader Jeremy Corbyn, said ''it's just not the place for me any more''.

He said: ''I'm just an ordinary member of the Labour Party who has decided to resign after 34 years.

It felt a wee bit like a bereavement, I felt a bit emotional, but it's just not the place for me any more. It's a personal decision.''

Mr Harris represented Glasgow Cathcart then Glasgow South from 2001 to 2015, and was transport minister from 2006 to 2008.

He did not confirm if his decision was linked to Mr Corbyn or anti-Semitism.

However it comes as the Labour leader's efforts to build bridges with the Jewish community have been rebuffed by critics.

Mr Corbyn has insisted he will root out anti-Semites from Labour and acknowledged mistakes in the way the party had handled the crisis.

But the Jewish Labour Movement said trust had broken down with the party leadership, while the Campaign Against Antisemitism lashed out at Mr Corbyn's failure to apologise for his own conduct.